About Me
Hello, my name is Liam Sofias, I am a young upcoming astrologer based in Los Angeles, CA. I have a deep passion for the study and practice of astrology. Growing up I didn’t give much credence to astrology, until I decided that I should learn why such a practice was taught in universities and held in high esteem for such a large part of history. This is when I came across traditional astrology, which resembled a much more nuanced and rigorous practice than I had been aware of.
Traditional Astrology
Horoscopic Astrology has a rich and complicated history and a practice that has existed for over two thousand years. My practice is based on the continuity that can be found to exist throughout the various time periods and cultures that have used astrology to gain valuable insight into their lives.
Rooted in Lineage
I am forever indebted to all of my teachers, for sharing their knowledge and teaching me the foundations and history of astrology. My practice is informed from the great education that I was able to receive from the STA, from Deborah Houlding, Eve Dembowski, Lee Lehman, and Wade Caves as well other tutors. Thanks to Chris Brennan’s courses I was able to ground my astrological practices with their origin in the hellenistic era. I also am proud to have studied in depth natal and predictive techniques from the teachings of Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro, studying at the Academy of Traditional Astrology. Countless others have deeply transformed by practice including Ben Dykes, Austin Coppock, and Nate Craddock.